I've been away for a while. Mostly working with others in Arlington County, VA to change a culture and reduce our teen drug and alcohol rates here. But I've been teaching a little at Marymount University, and spending time with my teenagers, one who has been learning to drive.
Anyway. After a fairly restful summer, with some travel and some hanging out, I'm ready to get back into posting on this website. I post to another blog, READYCoalition.org, and I maintain a Facebook presence for READY. Both of these have information useful for parents and those who love and spend time with teenagers. This one is more focused on building strong healthy relationships with teens, and is often based on stories or conversations I've heard as parents negotiate the world of teenagers.
Thanks for following KEYConcepts. I hope you find some of the things here useful, and I have several drafts I plan to share in the coming weeks.
In the meantime, here's the discussion from last year at back to school time. It might be a helpful reminder.